Location: Across U.S.
Setting: almost anywhere!
Type: Annual
Height: Up to 6ft
Stem: branching or single, often spiny
Leaves: basal pinnate leaves in rosette, spiny, typically hairy, large midrib
Some have alternate leaves along stem
Flowers: Brush-like head of small flowers with ligulate petals, typically purple, may be white or red
Fruit: Hard seeds with white tufts
Look-alikes: none
Leaves (spring to fall): raw or cooked. Remove spines (ribs are best part)
Stems and flower stalks (spring to fall): raw or cooked. Peel and eat inner pith
Flowers (summer): raw or cooked. Buds (eat tender center), flower base ("nut"like part on head)
Roots (year round): raw or cooked, best when not growing a flower
As medicinal herb:
All parts (seeds of milk thistle best): promotes liver health and detoxification, by chemical silymarin